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The Pupil Premium is a special funding initiative which targets additional funds to the school for the benefit of children from low-income families. These are identified by known eligibility for Free School Meals (FSM). Children who have been looked after (fostered or in care) continuously for more than six months and pupils from ‘service’ families are also included. Pupils who have been eligible for FSM at any point in the last 6 years are also included in the allocation calculation (known as the Ever 6 measure) Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium funding as they wish – but they are held accountable and must report on how the funding has been used to support these groups of children. From September 2012 this information must be made available. At our school, we realise that not all children who are eligible for Free School Meals are socially disadvantaged and that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged will be registered or qualify for Free School Meals, be looked after or from service families. Therefore, we allocate Pupil Premium funding on a needs basis where we identify priority classes, groups or individuals. We organise teaching and learning at Sproatley Endowed C of E Primary Academy in order to meet the needs of all children in the best way. We allocate some of the Pupil Premium money to make sure all children have their needs met through quality first teaching.

Sproatley Endowed C of E Primary Academy ensures that appropriate provision is made for children who belong to vulnerable groups and that socially disadvantaged children have their needs adequately assessed and met. Sproatley Endowed C of E Primary Academy further supports these groups using many strategies that are beyond the remit of the expenditure report.

Pupil Premium Strategy Feedback October 2020

No formal assessments took place over the academic Year 19/20; therefore, we are unable to publish data around the attainment and progress scores for Sproatley Endowed C.E. Primary Academy. During the period prior to lockdown, we were able to support our PPG children through targeted pastoral support. This continued during lockdown with the children either accessing school as part of our lockdown provision or receiving pastoral support remotely through class teachers and/or our pastoral lead.

Prior to the restrictions coming into force, key staff received comprehensive training regarding the implementation of the Chimp Mind Management Model. The teaching of the model is being rolled out across the school. This will be ongoing into next year as we continue to work with the Chimp Management Team.

PPG children also accessed Music tuition, after school club provision and even attended a residential educational visit prior to the restrictions.

89% of all Sproatley children returned to the school before the end of the summer term and this included 87% of all our pupil premium children.

47% of all our Sproatley children were in school for 6 weeks and 33% of our pupil premium children attended school throughout the period of school closure due to lockdown.

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2021

Our Behaviour and Wellbeing Lead supported children which improved self esteem and engagement. This is evidenced through pupil voice records and feedback from teachers and parents. We worked with families attending multi agency meetings, providing emotional support and applying for free school meals. Our close monitoring of attendance of persistent absentees and analysing reasons, specifically for the disadvantaged children’s group, and then following up and supporting families to improve attendance.This led to improved relationships with families.

During partial school closure 100% of our disadvantaged children (and school identified vulnerable pupils) were in school accessing learning with their usual teacher. If these children had to isolate weekly welfare calls were made and school meals made available. Interventions to improve basic skills in reading, writing and maths led to improved outcomes. Selected vulnerable disadvantaged children had individual interventions run by school staff and this impacted positively on closing the gap. All children in KS2 were provided with a Chromebook during partial school closure and some KS1 pupils accessed this also.

Where children were not able to access online learning individually, bespoke packs were provided, enabling learning to continue. 1 pupil could not access learning due to specific circumstances leading to lack of internet, for this child a DFE device was provided to enable access. Work and engagement was monitored and where pupils became vulnerable due to not accessing work we ensured places were given in school.

Click here to download the complete Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2020/21

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2021/22

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2022/23

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023/24

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024/25