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Whole School Curriculum Intent

At Sproatley Primary School our curriculum is designed to inspire enthusiasm for learning, building on achievement and supporting pupil well-being and happiness.

We aim to develop each child fully - socially, physically, intellectually, morally and spiritually by fostering a caring inclusive community leaving no child behind and celebrating their uniqueness.

We provide first hand learning experiences that allow children to develop interpersonal skills, develop relationships and build resilience. Our cross-curricular approach fosters a love of nature enabling our children to make meaningful links with their learning whilst Christian Values are explicitly taught and embedded in school life.

We celebrate our own school identity through the unique experiences that our curriculum and community provides. Through our Christian values and our commitment to outdoor learning and pupil wellbeing, we aim to unlock a natural curiosity for knowledge and skills with enhanced opportunities to engage and inspire learning and recognise individuality. We acknowledge success for all children, in all aspects of their development, encourage and build confidence, recognising and celebrating all types of talents.

Our curriculum is rich, broad and balanced- creativity in all areas of life is encouraged and celebrated, while being enhanced through opportunities for stimulating visits, interesting visitors, personalised musical opportunities and much more. Pupils build their global understanding and learn to understand and respect themselves and others, celebrate diversity whilst also building a greater appreciation of the value of possessions and experiences.

Teamwork and responsibility are an essential part of our curriculum and we enable children to take on key roles and learn new skills; building their confidence and resilience while giving opportunities to learn about wider opportunities and career paths to actively raise their aspiration. In this way we prepare them for becoming active and valued members of the wider community now and in the future.

Our curriculum complies with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. For full details on how we are complying, please visit the SEN Information Report page of our website.

Contact Mrs Tippett if you would like any further information on our curriculum.

Whole School Curriculum Implementation

At Sproatley:
  • Outdoor learning is embedded through Forest Schools provision for all age groups.
  • Behaviour & wellbeing lead is in place to work with higher need cases & parents.
  • Support is given to teachers and teaching assistants by Behaviour & Wellbeing lead for classroom level needs.
  • Subject leaders are given regular leadership time to monitor their subject and to support other staff.
  • Subject specialists and champions provide Trust level and Hub level support.
  • Singing is prioritised.
  • Educational visits are built in throughout the academic year to enhance learning.
  • Theatre visit opportunities are presented to children.
  • Class books are central to all planning.
  • Supportive and supported parents.
  • Staff provide on the spot intervention alongside planned interventions.
  • The Worship Team is in place to develop children’s awareness of ownership and leadership.
  • School Houses nurture the idea of belonging and for the house captains, responsibility.
  • Our lunchtime gardening club is open to all pupils.
  • We offer a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities.
  • Staff carry out careful planning to teach all areas of the curriculum creatively.
  • We utilise where possible our local area to make experiences and understanding real and relatable. 
  • Children are exposed to teaching and awareness of fundraising and charity work.

What Our Children Need

When developing our curriculum, we carefully considered what our children need (the things that our curriculum MUST provide):
  • Global and national understanding that builds their ambition to make a difference to the things they believe matter – building compassion.
  • Respect for themselves and others.
  • Appreciation of the value of possessions and a desire to respect their things and maximise the choices and opportunities that they have.
  • Good habits for their physical & mental wellbeing that they can take into adulthood.
  • To be confident readers.
  • A rich vocabulary and good communication skills.
  • Build a resilient attitude towards learning - children being happy to fail & keep trying. Not got it...YET!
  • Developing understanding of career path options.

What Our Locality Offers

We are fortunate to be based near a wide range of things that we can utilise throughout the delivery of our curriculum and to help develop our children. These include:
  • Burton Constable Hall
  • Green spaces, farms and woodland
  • Countryside walks
  • Elderly residents
  • St Swithin’s Church
  • Renewable power business links
  • Bus route to Hull - close proximity of very diverse inner city schools
  • Support network of schools
  • Higher Education Links
  • Hull City of Culture events
  • Theatre and musical events

Broad and Balanced Curriculum

We offer all children a broad and balanced curriculum by ensuring all subjects are delivered in line with the standards outlined in our curriculum implementation. These subjects are:

Core Subjects: Foundation Subjects:
  • Modern Foreign Languages (French)
  • Art
  • Music
Enriched Curriculum:
  • Forest Schools
  • Wide range of sports opportunities, both in school and externally
  • Inclusive and diverse sports taught to children throughout the PE curriculum
  • Musical instrument lessons available on site
  • Visitors into school
  • Cultural trips
  • Residential visit for Year 5 and 6 pupils


Computing intent and implementation coming soon.

Computing Progression - coming soon.

Computing overview of learning - coming soon

Click here to see our Computing Learning Charter - coming soon!

Design and Technology

Sproatley DT Intent:
‘He has filled them with skill to do all kinds of work as engravers, designers, embroiderers in blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen, and weavers—any sort of workman or skilled designer.’ Exodus 35:35
At Sproatley Endowed CE Academy, the Design and Technology curriculum combines skills, knowledge and understanding which enables children to tackle real problems. DT improves critical analysis, problem solving, and practical capability, as well as developing high quality evaluation skills. At Sproatley Endowed Academy we aim to, wherever possible, link work to other subject areas such as History, Geography, Mathematics, Science, English, Computing and Art; thereby enabling pupils to notice connections and patterns in their learning. We also aim to, wherever possible, build relationships with local businesses and members of the school community. Through DT children are encouraged to become innovators and critical thinkers. High quality Design Technology education makes an essential contribution to the creativity, culture, wealth and wellbeing of the community, and thus the whole nation.

Sproatley DT Implementation:
Our DT curriculum begins within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) through their ‘Expressive Arts and Design’ curriculum. Opportunities for children to learn by designing, making and evaluating across different mediums means that children are experiencing DT at their own pace, while learning new skills and consolidating knowledge. Adult-led activities and learning opportunities are based around children’s interests - building in DT tasks linked to these interests and cross-curricular themes. As they progress through the foundation stages, children enhance this knowledge by designing, making, and evaluating their creations with support from peers and staff. This foundational knowledge serves as a crucial building block as they advance through the school.

In Key Stage 1, we deepen students’ knowledge and skills in structures, mechanisms, and food technology. Building on the Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 students create movable toys using wheels and axles, build structures such as castles, as well as design and make a healthy snack in food technology. They delve deeper into project evaluation, comparing and discussing improvements that can be made to their peers and their own product.

In Key Stage 2, the DT curriculum continues to expand their knowledge and skills by building on prior learning in EYFS and KS1, whilst also introducing new concepts. The introduction of new skills follows the DT theme of Design, Make, and Evaluate, helping students link fresh knowledge and skills to their existing foundation. Children deepen their understanding throughout the mechanisms, construction, textiles and food technology elements of the DT curriculum. For example, children construct an earthquake proof structure, create a material product like a money pouch, as well as linking circulatory health in their food technology products. Providing broad and enriching purposes within their DT curriculum allows children to think about why they are making something, reason and problem solve about how best to design and make their product and then allow for constructive evaluation both individually and through peer feedback.

Click here to see our DT progression.

Click here to see an overview of learning in DT.

Click here to see our DT Learning Charter - coming soon!


Geography intent and implementation coming soon.

Click here to see our Geography progression.

Click here to see an overview of learning in Geography.

Click here to see our Geography Learning Charter - coming soon!


History intent and implementation coming soon.

Click here to see our History progression.

Click here to see an overview of learning in History.

Click here to see our History Learning Charter - coming soon!

Physical Education

PE intent and implementation coming soon.

Click here to see our PE progression.

Click here to see an overview of learning in PE.

Click here to see our PE Learning Charter - coming soon!

PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education)

Sproatley PSHE Intent:
"Let all that you do be done in love." (1 Corinthians 16:14)
The teaching of PSHE and RSE at Sproatley Endowed CE Academy is designed to inform, educate and prepare all children to become independent, thoughtful and empathetic citizens who provide a positive contribution to society. Every person in our community is a child of God; so at the heart of our Christian distinctiveness is an upholding of the worth of each person; No one left behind. We have designed our curriculum to enable children to communicate (verbally and through writing) and adapt to different situations, milestones and stages as they progress through life. We are educating pupils to understand the rights of all people to live freely within their sexual orientation, gender identity and race without discrimination; preparing all of our pupils for life in modern Britain; "Love your neighbour as yourself." (Mark 12:31)

Sproatley PSHE Implementation:
PSHE at Sproatley is taught for 1 hour every week. We have adapted the PSHE Association thematic approach to inform our planning, with Class Teachers adapting the planning to suit their individual classes and to meet their children's needs. PSHE is taught through a variety of methods:
  • Whole class discussion
  • Using reading material to supplement the objective of a lesson
  • Using video resources
  • Collaborative work
  • Written activities
  • Work can be recorded in Floor Books or in our Curriculum Journal books when necessary. Learning can also be recorded through photo evidence where appropriate.

    Click here to see our PSHE progression.

    Click here to see our PSHE Learning Charter - coming soon!


    Music curriculum information coming soon.

    Click here to view Sproatley Music on a Page.