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At Sproatley Endowed C of E Academy we are very lucky to have a dedicated and active Governor team, who work closely with the Headteacher and Business Manager. The governing body has a range of duties and powers and a general responsibility for the conduct of the school, with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement. Its responsibilities include but are not limited to:
  • setting targets for pupil achievement
  • managing the school’s finances
  • making sure the curriculum is balance and broadly based
  • appointing staff
  • reviewing staff performance and pay

See the Ebor Governance website for further information:

Governor Information
Register of Business Interests 2022/23
Governing Body Attendance 2022/23

Meet the Governors

Mr Christopher Smith (Chair)

My name is Chris Smith and I am a parent governor. My two children currently attend Sproatley Primary School. I have worked in my family business for the past 16 years and with the knowledge gained running a business I feel I can contribute to the committees I’m involved in, which are Finance and Health and Safety.

Mrs Diana Hoskins

I have lived in Sproatley for 33 years during which all three of my children attended Sproatley School. I became actively involved with the school starting FOSSA and becoming a Governor. I have been editor of Sproatley Life for the last 14 years and I work part time as Human Relations Manager at a local company.

Staff Governor - Mrs V Tippett

Profile coming soon...

Mrs Kirsty Mills (Parent Governor)

I grew up in Sproatley and attended Sproatley Endowed until I left in 1992. I have so many fond memories of my time at the school and it has always felt like home to me. I was delighted to move back to Sproatley from Sutton in 2011 just in time for our first born to start her nursery year, and we have had a child in the school ever since! I have been a parent governor since September 2022 and with previous experience in Early Years, Special Educational Needs, supporting various educational settings and my volunteer status with the village playing field, I feel well equipped to support the school in various areas.

Mr Darren Chamberlain (Parent Governor)

I have lived in the village of Sproatley for ten years and I am married to Hannah who is a Deputy Head Teacher at a school in Hull. We have a son, Milo, who attends the school and loves it! I have a Law Degree from the University of Hull and I spent 8 years with Humberside Police, specialising in child protection. For the last two years of my Police service I worked as a child protection trainer, training police officers and social services in the joint investigation of cases of abuse and neglect. I left the Police in 2004 and have worked in various IT companies specialising in business change in the public sector. I currently work as a sales manager for Motorola working with the UK Police Service and Home Office on the provision of their communications systems. I manage a team of account managers and have experience in sales, marketing, organisational change and the use of technology to drive business change

Miss Emerald Grant (Associate Governor)

I have lived in Sproatley village for 6 years and I have a daughter who attends the school and loves being there. I have worked in teaching and leadership roles in education for many years. Currently, I work as a School Improvement Officer in the East Riding Improvement and Learning Service, specialising in Early Years. I was keen to join the governing body as I want to use my experience and my skills to support the headteacher and staff in making the children’s primary school experience at Sproatley Endowed C.E. (V.C.) Primary the best that it can be.

Mr Thomas Snuggs (Staff Governor)

I have been a teacher at Sproatley Primary since 2019. One of the best parts of our school is the close knit community and the shared value between staff, parents and governors to provide an excellent education for all children. As a member of the Sproatley staff team, I share each and every members view that in order to ensure that we provide a high quality learning experience for each and every child, it is our responsibility to ensure that this translates in the governance of our school as it does in the learning environment. I look forward to providing my own teaching experience and views towards the Sproatley Primary governing body.

Miss Jay Pattrick (Staff Governor)

I joined the Sproatley team in 2022 as Year 5/6 teacher and became a staff governor in 2023. I am an experienced senior leader and I am passionate about promoting the church school ethos of Sproatley Endowed CE Academy. This drives everything we do, ensuring that we have an inclusive and supportive church school community where no one is left behind.