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St Swithin's Church

As a church school, we have a fantastic relationship with our local church - St Swithins - and we are part of the Diocese of York. We regularly use the church throughout the year for a wide range of activities and events. Religious services at Harvest, Christmas and Easter are held in the church where we invite parents, carers and the community to be part of our children-led services. As part of our end of year celebrations, we hold a leavers' service in the church too, where the children moving on from our school have an opportunity to reflect on their time with us. We also have access to the church throughout the school day, with lessons often being taken over to the church to provide a different learning environment. You can visit the St Swithin's Church website for lots more information here.

Outdoor Reflection Area

In May of 2019 we opened up our outdoor reflection area. We were delighted to welcome Reverend Sue Pulko into school to open up the reflection as part of a grand opening event! We invited parents and members of the community to join the whole school for a very special collective worship. We had singing and bible readings before the grand opening of the reflection area. The area of itself was developed, funded through events and created all by FOSSA. The children have access to a quiet space in our school grounds where they can reflect, read or pray at times during the day that we are using the outdoor areas of the school.

Reflection Areas in School

We are proud of the school reflection area located in the corridor of the school. Children can have some quiet reflective time here, but they can also write their own prayers and respond to questions about the main themes covered in the collective worship for that week. Each classroom also has a reflection area for each year group for similar purposes. The areas in the classroom have a reflection book where children can record their thoughts they have had whilst in the reflection area.

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